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Mod to make 3rd person animations work in 1st person


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I used Enhanced Camera with third person arms (I'm one of those "muh immersion" gamers), and one of the first things I've noticed was that certain animations that play in third person (e.g. drinking from sinks and bodies of water) do not play in first person at all. Recently I've installed the fantastic Solid Project mod by TommInfinite, and I realized that this sort of extends to mod-added third person animations as well.


He provides some fantastic sprinting animations for the third person world model, but when in first person view, the animation that shows is simply the basic running animation. I've also seen this happen with the Animated Chems mod and the Sit Anywhere mod, where the animations either force the camera into a third person perspective or not play altogether.


This kind of thing is a non-issue in Skyrim with Enhanced Camera, so I was wondering if it was a Gamebryo thing and if a mod can be made to fix this. Since there are mods like Animated Sleeping that allow animations previously unavailable to the player to play in first person, I was thinking that maybe there could be a fix for this.

Edited by brylem
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