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I was wondering if someone could help me out?If someone could just create a small follower mod for Skyrim special edition I'd be very greatful.You see,I love deer;and those Vale deer from the Forgotten Vale are my favorites.I actually do have one as a pet right now because of a certain perk in Ordinator's Speech tree,but the inability to really interact with your wild friend is kind of a killjoy.Also my lil' stag friend is kinda bugged here lately.He won't actually floow me anymore,he just stands there and teleports to me when I get too far.He only moves when enemies are attacking.If you do cretae this mod,could you name him "Glowstick"?I think that'd be a suitable name for him. :3

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The place to request it:





thread moved. Thanks admin....

Edited by Malachi Delacot
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