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Enchanted Items Use Magicka


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Hi all, F0E here again with another request, lol.


I had this idea, because when I play warrior or agility characters, I rarely/never use magicka. So my idea is:


Is it possible to make enchanted weapons use magicka, instead of charges? That way, you can use any enchantment of any strength, on any item (As long as it's enchant-able), and as long as you have the required magicka to spend on it.

Oh yeah, and you would never have to recharge them!


In regards to soul gems if this turns out. When you aren't using them for enchanting, you can make them work like a potion. They can increase your magicka recharge rate for a short duration, or even (because it contains another soul) increase your total magicka pool by a certain amount!


It would make the game more interesting, keep it balanced, and also give straight warrior and agility chars something to use the little blue bar for...


Thanks for hearing me out! Look forward to a quick response, have a great day! :biggrin:

Edited by F0EH4MMER
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  • 1 month later...

Seconded, that's exactly what I've been looking for. I recall there was an Oblivion mod for this, and I used it because I think the whole "soul gem" thing is an exploitable as all h*ll "I Win" button. Plus it's straight up evil necromancy, don't deny it :P


However, if you must use your own magicka to enchant and charge items, that imposes level-appropriate balance onto pretty much all your enchanted gear. Your magicka amount is set by level, so even with all the buffs you can stack on, you can't create a weapon TOO OP for your level.


As far as side effects on balance, being able to recharge items with your own magicka replaces the gold / FT time sink of soul gems with a magicka recharge time / potion sink, which is a pretty fair replacement in my book.


So here's another vote for this mod. If someone does pick it up, I'll be happy to be a tester for it.

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