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Can't move Camera without -heavy- lag, done everything I can think of to fix!


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After years of trying to fix skyrim, I managed to solve all my CTD issues, all of my mods are compatible, game runs at 50~60 FPS even on high graphics, yet I still have one issue that popped up a little while back.


When I load in, I can look straight forward without a single issue, but the moment that I start turning my view left or right the game freezes up for a moment, chopping along slowly until it loads in, and I have to preform a slow, painful "Hills are alive" spin once or twice before the world or area loads in, I'll have to do this over and over in places like outdoors, and say a bandit fort, that has lots of twists and turns.


Also, I have a portable house mod (Haven Bag) That I -must- use (That or go back to some place with a small interior, like McBreezehome!) to look directly down and save in, otherwise my save will crash. I would make a safe bet that these two issues are one in the same, or atleast heavily related.


I can't remember every last thing I've done, But I'll list off what I can. (As a side note, I highly doubt this is a save issue, even with no mods on it still happens, and a new game without mods still has the issue!)


Removed all ENB-like things.

Uninstalled and reinstalled all mods (Even though they're all compatible, and I don't even have that many...)

Downloaded, installed, removed, snibble-dibbled around with every crash fix I could find.

Removed every mod, including FNIS & SKSE, deleted whole game and expansions, reinstall whole game and expansions, ran without any modifications, issue still there.

Cleaned save files so many times. (So, so many, my sweet edit save files.)

Other things my brain refuses to let me remember at the moment.

Blank space for funky groovy reasons.

Posted here in hopes someone can descend from High Heckeroni and help me be able to play one of my favourite games again.


Thank you ever so kindly to anybody who can even attempt to help, you rock, dude or dudette! :happy:

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1. Did you delete the Skyrim.ini and Skyrimpref.ini files (the 2 most important files :wink: )


2. the primary issue sounds like a LOD issue i would imagine.


can you post your mod list, and system specs, its possible this may even be a hardware issue (and more likely in this case simply because what you have done already makes it sound like it is a low chance that it is a mod issue), i Highly recommend monitoring your game, specifically for CPU, GPU and Memory Usage and Temperatures (especially when you are experiencing the lag) and paste the results here


it could very well be hardware based issue.


to be fair i have never heard of this very specific issue, but it very much sounds like a LOD issue as mentioned above or hardware based.


also are you running SLI or Crossfire (basically multiple gpu setup) ?

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I had similar issue. In my case helped for omnipresent head turning lag just to disable mouse acceleration in SkyrimPrefs.ini



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(Warning, S-s-s-s-s-s-spookily l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-lewdc-c-c-c--c-c-c-contentttt!!)


I'm very sorry for this format.












A decent few of these are uninstalled, I can give specifics if I must, posting specs after this.


Also, I have uninstalled all of these, and it did nothing...aaaaaaaa. ;w;


Also also, This issue poofed up a while before I got a -lot- of those mods.

Edited by GabrielCapp
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I think I did this right...I-I hope.



OS - Windows 10 Home 64-bit


CPU - AMD A10 , Carrizo 28nm Technology


RAM - 12.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (11-11-11-28)


Motherboard - HP 80B6 (P0)


Graphics - (Ceneric PnP monitor) , 1024MB ATI AMD Radeon R7 Graphics (HP) , 2048 ATI AMD Radeon R8 M365DX (HP) , CrossFire Disabled


Storage - 931GB Hitachi HGST HTS541010A9E680 (SATA)


Optical Drives - hp DVDRW DU8A6SH





My fingerrrrrrsss xwx


I'd also like to point out, on this exact same computer, I used to never have these issues.

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your hardware is seriously letting you down. especially on a heavily modded skyrim, just checked benchmarks on several titles, and they are under performing in every game, thus making it hard to believe you can run skyrim at high settings with many mods.


1st of all they are old amd cards so theirs an issue right there. secondly you have notebook, again not designed for gaming. a modded skyrim believe it or not requires a powerful system.


the only solution is to buy a better machine. preferably a desktop pc. i cant really help you beyond that, since notebooks are not designed for gaming, and old amd hardware definitely ain't.


the only thing you can do is disable all mods. i seriously cannot imagine this machine achieving 60 fps on high settings, maybe without mods, but with mods no way.


anywho go here - C:\Users\your computer name\AppData\Local\Skyrim - open Modlist.txt and paste that here (Note: Click on Organize - Folder and Search Options - View - Check Show Hidden Folders and Files, so you will now be able to navigate to where your mod list is, paste the mod list here, to make it far easier for us to see what mods you have, to be fair i dont want to check all of the images you posted)


when you have posted your modlist, using this method, i will advise in what mods to disable that will make the most impact on the system, your issue is definitely hardware related, which is further effected by mods. since this is a notebook we are talking about, it could even be temperture related issue, i will say however my expertise is desktop pc only, not laptops or anything less then that.


the primary issue is severe lack of vram, and the fact that said vram is only ddr3, indicating primitive hardware.


enabling crossfire will split the memory usage in half, thus bypassing the insufficient memory limit, however this would then only mean 3 gig ram (Note: memory does not stack), which is still not good enough for a modded game. the bare minimum you want is 4 gig vram on a single card. this is primarily for memory related tasks, a lot of which will be textures which covers the entire game. higher quality textures = higher memory usage.

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