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Scrapper machine


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I prefer to work with base components rather than junk items, since it's easier to keep track of what I have to work with. I have a mod that lets me convert base components into shipments, for ease of transport. But that mod requires only the base components themselves, not any junk items that can be scrapped into that base component.


The "Crafting Workbenches" mod has a workbench that allows me to convert my components into junk items.


But I can't seem to find a mod that does the opposite. I'd like a mod that has a workbench, or a machine, that lets me convert my junk items into components. For weapons and armor, I have the standard vanilla workbenches, but for junk, I don't have that.


Sure, I can drop the junk into the settlement and then scrap them one at a time, but this takes forever if I've got a lot of junk.


I suppose I could just dump it all out and then do the console command "scrappall," but then I'd lose any developments I made in that settlement.


I'd like to see a mod that adds a machine that I can just dump my junk into, turn a valve, and after doing some processing, it will poop out the components I would have gotten from scrapping. This would be purely a time-saver, since it would save me the irritation of having to scrap individual junk items one at a time.

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Use Manufacturing Extended, it adds a couple pieces to do exactly what you want. Put the junk in a press, it breaks it down and spits the components onto a conveyor, then you can snap a storage unit to the end of the conveyor. ME adds one that moves things directly to your workshop's inventory. I find it oddly satisfying to watch.


If you don't have wasteland workshop there are a couple other options. Scrap Grinder or Scavver's Toolbox

Edited by jkruse05
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