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Custom body for follower using "Skin"

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This is probably my last thread for a while. I had a problem with armor add-ons on my follower mod before but now I actually tried to remove it from the follower and that seems to be what caused the problems in the first place. I am trying to replace her body with a roughspun tunic complete with hands and feet but split into cuirass, gloves and boots in essence. Is it possible? Because it feels like it isn't. When I fix one thing on the tunic another pops up on the armor. I am trying to do what Shingles Cat did with her Narandil follower, which is a custom body using the skin option under race. But I was hoping I wouldn't have to make my follower's body in one actual nif because it takes such long time to copy over all the bones. Shingles Cat used a complete nif I believe.


Been trying to fix it for several weeks and it's driving me nuts.

Edited by Niborino9409
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If I am not mistaken, on the armor form for the 'skin' add each armor addon for each piece that you want to be included. Take a look at the SkinNaked armor record used as the default body, this method is how they get the tails to show up for Argonians and Khajiit. I'm referring to the bottom middle section called something like 'models used' Just make sure that every armor addon has the correct race(s) ticked for use by that NPC's race.

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Found it




Yeeeah. Copying that didn't do it. She reverted to the main underwear body which is the exact opposite of what I want. =(

And I don't understand what the add-ons do. That's the biggest problem.

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I need help with this, I don't think I know what I am doing =(


Now I gave the follower vanilla steel plate and yet it looks weird. She pretty much pulled the chainmail over the steel plate gauntlets. I mean it looks kinda cool but it's not supposed to be this way. The boots clip slightly as well. Could someone perhaps look at it for me? I'm only making it worse. :sad:




I have an older version of the error in the bugs section of the mod. I also can't equip gauntlets or boots on the roughspun tunic as it is now, gauntlets get misshapen or cut-off while boots always stop at the ankles =/


Edited by Niborino9409
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You set it up just like you would any piece of armor. You made an Armor Addon for each of the pieces (torso, hands, feet), and you assign them to the "armor." SkinNaked is a perfect example of what you want to do. If you're getting armor pieces stacking when they're supposed to replace each other, make sure you're assigning the appropriate Biped Object slots. You'll notice SkinNaked is using the hands and feet slots because it has hands and feet; whereas most armors don't because they're modular.

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I am getting closer but the roughspun body is still messing with me







Edit: I found out what was causing it. There was a priorities number in the CK. On SkinNaked it was set to 0 but on mine it was 10. Using the same slots worked. :D


So if anyone else wants to do something similar: Use the slots that NakedSkin uses and check the priority at the bottom :)

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