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Blue signs


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Every single hanging sign in the game is just a blue "missing texture", as seen below. At first I thought that it was the "blowing in the wind" mod causing the problem, but after inactivating every plugin related to it and starting a new save, I STILL have the problem. I've got about 100 other mods active, does anyone have any idea what might be causing the problem?







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The sign meshes are located in your Skyrim\Data\meshes\Clutter\signage\(city name)\(individual sign). I do not have any mods that affect this so I am using vanilla signs.


Open the meshes with nifscope and see where the texture path is pointing. This may tell you which mod is either missing texture files or the meshes are not aimed at the correct location.


Without a mod list I am not sure what else I can do to help.

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