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Scanty's Conformulator

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You sir are a genius! I did it! I put everything from update block into start block changed Let refMyNPC := AWSS1H to Let refMyNPC := AWSS1HH and it works now. May have to make a few tweaks to finish block because sometimes I get my eyes back and sometimes I get stuck with Saiyan Race and eyes but the hair switched back every time. Maybe because I didn't call hair from Saiyan?? Regardless this is major progress. I could kiss your face right now!!
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No, that was exactly the thing I asked you to do. With this you now have "AWSS1HH" for use in scripts instead of "01008823".


NPCs already are all persistent automatically by design when placed into the game world, but I still wouldn't rely on it always being "01008823". Thus I thought giving it an explicit Editor ID would be useful.


Now, if selecting the NPCs inside the game and then calling the functions on them works, then it should now also work when you use the "Reference Editor ID" instead of the Form ID from the list of NPCs.

So instead of "AWSS1H.CopyRace 00000007" you should now be able to say "AWSS1HH.CopyRace 00000007", either like so or again with the "refMyNPC" helper variable instead.


edit: Ah, I see you already tested it and it works, while I was typing my reply. Glad my idea/suspicion was correct then. :happy:



Hmm, odd the revert doesn't work all the time and sometimes not still... but I think we'll figure that one out as well. The game's a little touchy at times. The more's happening at a specific moment, the more likely there'll be timing bugs and/or scripts acting unexpectedly weird at times. Everything the game can possibly mess up can also be safe guarded though one way or another.

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Drake you wonderful man! It is 100% working now!!! I changed refMyNPC to baseID in finish block and now it goes back to normal before the spell was cast every time. One tiny hiccup is if the spell ends in first person the face does not always appear unrill I type player.update3d again. Any fix for that??
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Hmm, would forcing you back into 3rd person right before the change back takes place help perhaps?

Like every time you mount a horse or sit down or stand up you also switch back into 3rd person automatically.


This at least could be done with ToggleFirstPerson then, just:


ToggleFirstPerson 0



It's unfortunate this seems to be another drawback of using Update3D on the player. But as inevitable as it is for certain uses, it does have its quirks at times.


Though I must admit I'm impressed by what already was achieved here up to now. Back when I was still really actively modding myself, all things like this were still completely impossible to achieve by conventional means.

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Well, I do always consider myself to be "among friends" when hanging around on here, so that's totally fine with me. It was a pleasure to be of help, and even I, too, learned quite some new things by this. Sadly these times and days my knowledge is about the only thing I can still share, but this one I'm sharing gladly and with pleasure with everybody who'll listen.


I'm looking forward to your progress and what will come next. Best of luck with your projects! And if you ever need help again, and I can help with what I know, you know where I am. :thumbsup:

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There is is. The 1.0 60 some odd views no DL yet but hey it's not for everyone. It's still in VERY rough shape. But if you take a look at the bug report that I included in the description it will outline what I still need to fix for 2.0

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