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Need help with Cm body


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Please view attach file and tell me how to fix that problem, it happen with my Synx CM and some of my race also. I use HGEC body.

Thank you and waitting for your anser

Edited by haidk
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Hmm, looks like the wrong texture for the body. Textures are assigned on a per-race basis, while body meshes are the same for all races.

You're using HGEC for your body meshes? Then what body is this Synx race you're using designed for? Are you by chance using the wrong race textures, as it maybe supports more than one specific body?

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I could be wrong, but the Synx should be neither affected by Archive Invalidation issues nor should there be any Vanilla textures at all to begin with. It's a custom race, not a replacement for an existing one, or is it?

I mean it could be set up to use Vanilla Breton skin textures or something like that, sure, but wouldn't that somehow defeat the purpose of a custom race with its own unique and high-res body and face textures?

Keep in mind I don't know the Synx race, as it came out quite some time after I was already unable to play the game anymore, but I think it is a custom race, and as such it shouldn't be affected by those issues.


This texture doesn't really look like the Vanilla female foot to me either. It's weird, as the only way to be using the Robert's Female Synx textures would be having downloaded it and installed in place of the HGEC ones... but what other options are left now?


As another wild guess... could there be any other mod in play, script-controlling the body meshes used when nude, so this is not actually an HGEC body we see there to begin with but something else, just close in shape? That could be another explanation... though again an unlikely one.

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I kinda' thought maybe I was way off in left field there Drake. I'm not much use on the custom race/beautiful people tack, as I'm well off the wind and on my own in enjoying all those vanilla things. I have seen this no nipple texture thing reported before. If I ever see a solution reported I'm going to start a 'NoNipples.txt' file (you know where that comes from).
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