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FO4 - DIMA Memory


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Might wanna try just googling something like "FO4 Dima's memory" and check the video portion of the search results for various walkthroughs of the quest. I'd wager some of them show the player's actions up to the point of accessing the memories. (IIRC, you load some program into a terminal that's part of a bigger computer bank and the memory quest auto-loads at that point. It's been a while though...)

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I actually didn't hate the puzzle as much as I thought I would, although I've only done it once. Then again, by the time I got to #5, I'd had enough so I used what I think is probably a fairly well-known cheat for that otherwise rather time-consuming last stage:



Although my next playthrough may indeed be via one of those skip-the-whole-damn-thing mods. We'll see how it goes, but I have a feeling the novelty wore off after that one time.

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