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Could someone please port Trees HD?


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Flora Overhaul is very nice, but the trunks looks really awful and low res. Trees HD is a compliment to Flora Overhaul that makes the trunks looks sooo incredible nice. I remember in Oldrim I would always marvel at these trunks when close to them as they are some of the most beutiful objects in the world. The game just does not look nearly as good without them :(


Could someone port it please? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3812/?

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Download and open SSE NIF Optimizer then click browse and point it to the mod's location on your drive, then click optimize and you should be golden :smile:


Edit: I mean point it to inside the mod's folder... hmm, really wish I knew how Nexus Mod Manager worked, I should probably install it sometime for a look-see :tongue:. In Mod Organizer you have specific folders for each mod, if that isn't the case then extract the tree mod somewhere temporary then run SSE NIF Optimizer on it there, then re-rar / zip / whatever takes your fancy and install as normal.

Edited by spookymunky
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Easiest way:


1) Manually Download your Mod (Save or move it to your Desktop)

2) Download SSE Nif Optimizer (see above post)

3) Extract your manually downloaded mod - to a folder on your desktop

4) Run SSE Nif Optimizer on the folder you just extracted your mod to

5) Archive (make a .zip file) of the Extracted Folder on your desktop (call it Trees HD-SE or something like that)


Intstall via NMM

1) Load up NMM

2) Click the big green + sign, add a .zip file -> browse to your desktop and find the .zip file you just created

3) Then Install the file in NMM (use the search box if you have lots of mods installed)

4) Right Click -> Install and Activate

Edited by sakora
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