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Best ENB Performance Tweaks


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Hey guys:


My question is regarding the ENB performance Tweaks. Wich options are good, and wich options drop off your FPS.


What options you consider essential?


What are the most demanding ones?


What options do you use?


These are the ones under EFFECT that i use:












I use SUBTLE ENB (Fallout 4)

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EnableDepthOfField = minimal framerate drop, but a framerate drop nonetheless, also you either love it or hate it (i personally hate it.)


i would have said EnableSSAO would probably be the most demanding, but it looks like you are using an older version of enbseries, since it lacks this setting, according to your list.


but yea i use all settings except DepthOfField, however my hardware is powerful anyway, and thus all settings Don't really effect my performance by much, and even if they did, i would still be over 60fps.


so yea the most demanding settings would be:



EnableSkyAmbientCalculation (assuming this is the setting that effects the realistic lighting effect, where clouds moving over the sun changes the lighting, however this setting currently only exists in latest versions of enb)



Basically Lighting Based Settings and Shadow Based Settings will have the biggest performance impact, imo Prime example of this is Volumetric Lighting, Godrays and Shadow Distance.


its the CPU job to handle shadows, and its the GPU job to handle textures and lighting i believe. which is why shadows tend to impact performance heavily, because the CPU is simply not as strong as the GPU in a typical scenario


however you do not have these, and all the settings you do have are pretty light weight, but its not really the settings that effect performance, its how the settings are used that does, in other words its how the author of said enb has changed each setting.


its why 2 enb that use the exact same settings can have considerably different performance impact.

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Hi Twisted, Thank you for your reply.


I was using version 0.311 of ENB, i updated now to the latest version 0.317.


Now all the options you listed are available, i'l be messing around to find the perfect tweak for me.


But overhaul, i can pretty much use 90% of the options in a good framerate.


Do you have or recommend an ENB? One with performance and gameplay. I've been using SUBTLE for quite some time and i really like him.


Again, thank you for your support.

Edited by GeorgeLF
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Also, if change my graphics card in the near future, the game auto updates with the new card? (I mean the ENB)


Or do i have to download everything again and configurate everything again?


Its a noob question but, i'll be updating my graphics card soon so, just to make sure you know.. :sweat:

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i currently use Grimwolf's Insititute asd Enb for version 0.317 of enbseries --> https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4568/? <--


this enb uses both reshade and enb, it offers sharp visuals and nice lighting, and color reproduction, combined with True Storms, its very nice visuals, it does come with depth of field on by default however.


but you can turn the depth of field off, by going into reshade folder, open McFx.cfg (with a text editor) and search for: #define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 1 (and change 1 to 0, to turn DOF off) this enb is not designed for performance however, (in other words its quality over performance) but even so it still provides decent performance anyway, again it makes no difference to my performance. but weaker hardware may have an issue. i use all enb settings, except dof because i dont like that effect. and the game just looks very good


i should note that i currently have a TN panel which lacks decent color reproduction (among other issues that tn panels suffer), however this enb, makes it look like i am on an IPS panel which is very good


as for upgrading your graphic card, you wont have to touch the enb, as it is a game modification only, it does not modify the graphics card in anyway, the only thing you would need to do, is put your GPU details into fallout ini files, and change the enblocal memory settings to you new memory settings (in other words, you would run vramsizetest tool again, when you get your new gpu, and you would put the new value below:



VideoMemorySizeMb= <-- Insert your new memory value here. as no doubt the new gpu will have more vram, and thus you would need to calculate that again, and put the new value here)
so yea the only thing you do, is you update your graphics card drivers, and run fallout 4 launcher again, so that it knows what your new gpu is, and then the memory setting, mentioned above, and thats it :smile: nice and quick process. i would strongly recommend un-installing your current gpu drivers, before putting in your new graphics card, assuming the new graphics card is a major upgrade.
if you want to see what this enb looks like, check my profile and look at the image i uploaded. that image was taken inside, Elianora's Rockin Red Rocket mod, and The Visuals Would be The ENB (however the enb was an older version of the enb, but yea its a good idea of what it will look like.)
i did change the sharpness of the enb however.
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