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Amulet of Kings-ish Unequip Script

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Hi, I dislike that I make so many threads recently but I'm threading new ground with my mod, so I've learned lots of new things, but here I got stuck :sad: . I'm trying to make a script for my follower's armor that restricts it to her only. I had thought of using a keyword:

WornHasKeyword, ArmorHeavy, ArmorLight

and possibly some clothing keywords. But I don't know how to go about it.


I want it to work like the Amulet of Kings in TES IV Oblivion does; that when you try and equip it the armor unequips with a message. I am not sure how to do it though. Feels like putting the script on the armor itself isn't the best idea, but I am so new to this that I don't know anything about how that works. But feels like it's easier for me to put it in a quest if possible because I find papyrus fragments easier to work with.

Edited by Niborino9409
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Some thoughts...


Use UnequipAll on the designated actor. However, since this is for a follower, they may try to re-equip gear if their 3D gets loaded again (i.e. go through a load door). As a result you may need an alias that points to the follower and uses OnObjectUnequipped with a check that the Amulet of Kings IsEquipped and transfer those items to a hidden container. Then when the Amulet of Kings is un-equipped (caught with OnObjectUnequipped) transfer the items back to the follower from the hidden container.



If you want gear to be specific to a follower and no one else, give them a custom race and make the armor and armor addon records only use that custom race. Thus no other race could wear that gear.

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Hey that's a great idea. So if I make her a custom Breton the player can take the gear from her inventory but not equip it? But hm...wouldn't that also restrict the follower to only armors shipped with the mod? Think I'll do that instead, won't even have to script for that =D Thank you so much! :smile:


Edit: Works great! Player can equip it but nothing shows up :D

Edited by Niborino9409
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