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Created Worldspace is Totally Gray In Game?


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Hello, I have returned with more issues lol

A small worldspace I have created from copy and pasting the meshes etc from Eldergleam Sanctuary, into a hand copied worldspace, to match Eldergleams worldspace ( I thought that would be best) I have named the new worldspace "Evergreen" I deleted all the duplicated trigger boxes, NPC's etc, leaving me with just the statics, water and Fx. All looks fine in the CK, but in game the area is gray, the player is frozen, the MCM menu works, as does the command prompt, so not a crash at least.

Does anyone know what caused this? I'm so stuck, and Google has nothing for me.

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While hand copying the Worldspace data for Eldergleam Sanctuary I checked the box "Fixed Dimensions" However, I placed the mouse dragged copy of the contents of the Worldspace offset to the coordinates specified in "Fixed Dimensions" Thus resulting in an unplayable area. Un checking the box fixed the issue

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