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[LE] Fixing Broken Custom Followers: Holy Cow!

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EDIT: I forgot to mention this is for Skyrim


So I know someone attempted to make custom followers but are completely broken.


I'm relatively new to this myself, but I'd like to fix the followers. Simple enough, right? Wrong! When I tried to upload them in CK, it just wasn't happening. I got a host of errors and they just won't load (Ugh.. WTH!)

So I figure I will have to just re-create their voices, personalities, etc then just apply the looks from the meshes, textures, .nif files. It feels like I'm taking the parts of a broken car and using them to make a new one lol


So that's the question: I have no idea how to apply those meshes, textures, .nif files to newly created followers.


AKA!! Help!! ... please!



Please note: I hadn't planned on re-uploading the mod. This would be just for my own game, of course, unless I get the author to sign off on reviving it & wants me to upload them again.

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When you load it into the CK, make sure it's the only esp you're uploading. It will tick it's own masters once you press load. Make sure to click the Active File button after clicking on it to highlight it in the Load dialogue box. Then you'll see a bunch of warnings pop up--just say yes to all. You can read them in the warning box later. That should load the custom follower esp no problem.

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Which game?

Off topic but... I see this question asked frequently in this forum, which is called "Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders," which is in the category "Skyrim Modding," which is in the category "Skyrim." Are these threads being moved by moderators or something?

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When you load it into the CK, make sure it's the only esp you're uploading. It will tick it's own masters once you press load. Make sure to click the Active File button after clicking on it to highlight it in the Load dialogue box. Then you'll see a bunch of warnings pop up--just say yes to all. You can read them in the warning box later. That should load the custom follower esp no problem.


It's loading in the creation kit now, but the issue is when I look under the CharGen the face is all wrong. The only face mods it needs are the Apachii Male Hair mod and Racemenu, which is really werid (looks like one of the regular presets in the game)

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Forget the look in the ck, it's always pretty weird for custom npcs. Watch this video, it should help you to understand the process:




Thanks! I'm going to try this out and keep the thread posted... I don't understand why this is so difficult and things are just not showing up correctly

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