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Grappling hook?


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howdy |IsStillAPlanetInTheSolarSystem|NinetyOne-er.

you ask a frankly awesome question.


The short answer is; yes.

RuadHan2300 made a 'blink portal teleporter" suite of things, which I cannot recommend moreso.

there are also a couple of teleport-guns (think "Portal") which are mobile any-door-to-any-where refs... so, rather than being constrained to within-the-present-cell... you could teleport to different cell-refs as a door outright.


in terms of a grapnel or bullwhip style climbing mechanic,

no - no bat-lines or bullwhips yet exist that I am aware of.

though, that'd be awesome. It'd give folks a lot more ARMA like tactics options hehe.

it could be a point to point, based on collision with a surface... which determines how long the line is, and which animation is played...


That's how ladders and the monkey-bars work presently in-game,

always wondered how the animation knew what angle the monkey-bar/ladder surface was at


so I'm thinking that could be how a zip-line or such functions.

I don't know how such would handle vectoring though...

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