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Nazi super soldier armor for super mutant and nazi faction


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I think super mutant is one of the most iconical and emblematic faction of the fallout univers, and in fallout 4 they are abandonned by the the moding community, so i have a simple idea, make them more advenced, more powerful, more strong to fight !

Giving them some heavy weapons and not this piece of scrap who call themselves "pipe weapons" and giving them some power armor, like Franck Horrigan but not some X-01 style armor, no, but some nazi armor like the super soldier in the wolfenstein franchise, they are pretty cool and in my opinion it will fit perfectly with our super mutants, they are stupid, giant, heavy, pretty uggly and they are some kind of frankenstein !

so if some one can make it... it will be amazing, and with the mods who had some nazi armor and uniforms and weapons from wolfenstein it can make a great mod.

A nazi faction in the style of wolfenstein, they come from the est from the old world with some zepplin like the brotherhood but with nazi cross ( i dont know how you call it in english so nazi cross will speak to evryone i think...) and with normal soldier and power armor scrap in us military facilities on their way or just nazi power armor like in wolfenstein the old blood when you fight against Rudi Jagger in his amazing power armor made from german steel ! and with some super soldier in power armor !!!! (super mutant with nazi power armor)

Or just a faction of super mutant supremasist with power armor in the style of the nazi who think human is inferior and they must be destroyed or enslaved ! but for the back ground and the story i let you the pleasure to make it !

And make them a castle in the style of wolfenstein castle made by themselves (in backstory) with nazi flag and statue to the glory of the 4th Reich !

thanks you guys for reading and sorry for my english !

Edited by shadowhunter1775
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yeap but in fact, i just want super mutants with power armor... it's a cool mod and it make the frankenstein more strong but i want them to have some f*#@ing cool armor, with big f*#@ing gun and big armors cause i'm pretty bored to fight some naked super soldier, but with power armor and heavy weapons they will be more feared and more difficult to fight like in the first fallouts, but with power armors insted of piece of junk wwelded together and a top of fire hydrant as an helmet... i know they are stupide for the most of them but there is some inteligent mutants and they can rise on the top and take control of the rest of the mutants army and make them great again

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