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hitting my shield animation as a challenge

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Edit, nvm.. missed a line in Sinderions post. :wallbash: must be getting late.. Edited by Urwy
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The skellies can do it, if only only the engine wasn't so miserly on what animations we can apply to players >.<


That's the line i missed, while i was under the impression that all we needed was an animation and apply it to the player character.

But i have exactly 0 (Zero!) experience with animations, so i'd say he might be right.

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I think what SinderionsBones meany by

The skellies can do it, if only only the engine wasn't so miserly on what animations we can apply to players >.<
is that the animation probably would not work in first person.


This is because the arms you have in first person are actually completely different meshes from those in third, as which is why some mods have problems in first person because the modders forget to include meshes for them.


A good way to see how it works is to use the console command s1st

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