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Skyrim SE - Mod Detectives Thread


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3 hours ago, SirCadsimar said:

There was some patches for Community Shaders to do that, but those patches are apparently obsolete with the newest version of Community Shaders, as far as I am aware...

Yes, I can confirm that I have seen some following your message, I have tried them and they are not working well. Nothing, I will always have to go with torches and portable lamps. Thank you very much ❤️

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On 3/4/2025 at 5:00 PM, 7531Leonidas said:

@Saintluther44293Yep, that's a mess!  But, it is not as bad as it looks, the COCO stuff can probably be resolved by uninstalling every last one, then reinstalling them one at a time, each newly installed one overwriting any installed before.  I ran into this problem with Ave's mods for jewelry, and Vortex could not make sense of them, either.  The only other choice you have to make is if you want Cathedral Armory to load before, or after the COCO mods.  Maybe ask on the Cathedral Armory mod comments section for help?

I would want it to load before since higher in the LO gives priority, right? I am still learning LO and stuff.

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@Saintluther44293The terminology can be confusing - 'before' means that it will be loaded before the COCO mods, and any conflicting files will be overwritten.  'After' means that it is set to overwrite any conflicts WRT the mod it is to load after (this means higher priority in the LO).  Higher in the LO means that it is made to load earlier, and be overwritten by conflicting mods, whereas 'lower' or 'move down' WRT load order means that they will be set to overwrite conflicting mods 'above' them, i.e. - a higher priority.

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4 hours ago, GreybeardRanger said:

Have I gone completely insane, or did I actually downloand and install a mod for SE "Bijin Moll Haircut" or something like that? Can't seem to find it anywhere on the Nexus for SE.

If you're using a mod organizing program like Mod Organizer 2 or Vortex, there should be an option to Visit on Nexus when you right click on the mod (in the user's mod list section, not their downloads section nor the plugins section).  I know this option exists on MO2, not sure about Vortex but it most likely has that as well.
That mod definitely exists for LE. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/108337

Edited by SirCadsimar
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8 hours ago, GreybeardRanger said:

Have I gone completely insane, or did I actually downloand and install a mod for SE "Bijin Moll Haircut" or something like that? Can't seem to find it anywhere on the Nexus for SE.

If it did actually exist for SE, it might have got deleted for whatever reason...

I'm still using a replacer for Zora from the 3dNPCs (Interesting NPCs) mod, but the replacer mod page got deleted some months ago, I have no idea if it got packaged into a larger mod or something like that that does more because I don't even remember who the mod was by in the first place...  😕 (I figure out who the MA was, they have a newer Zora makeover mod but I cannot use it it has requirements that I don't/can't use)
Zora's Makeover - Interesting NPCs (3dNPCs) , it somehow still has a link to the page on Google even though the page is completely gone...

Edited by SirCadsimar
(figured something out)
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56 minutes ago, GreybeardRanger said:

I did find the LE version, thank you for that, but I recently switched from the Steam version of SE to the GOG AE version, and I can't find the mod anywhere on my PC but I'm 100% sure I had it installed.

Mjoll haircut 2.jpg

Oh!  I think I found it for you!  It has a different title, that's why you couldn't find it!  This is by the same author as the "Bijin Moll Haircut" LE version, this is the SE version:
There is options like No war paint in the Optional Files section below the Main Files and Update Files

EDIT: Wait a second, it's not the exact same mod, there already was an LE version of that, but "My War Maiden Mjoll the Lioness No esp" is not the same mod as "Bijin Moll Haircut"... my bad

Edited by SirCadsimar
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