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Skyrim SE - Mod Detectives Thread


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4 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

@DirebearCoatIf LL are overwriting each other, they can keep stuff from appearing in chests and other loot sources.  Yes, I have been finding some alternate brews in various places, especially w/Bruma in my mod list.

Hmmm...  How is this corrected?  I don't know what Bruma is, but if it's a mod, I don't have it.

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@DirebearCoatI use Wrye Bash to make a bashed patch for my leveled lists.  You can set it up so that the LL are the only ones bashed.

Beyond Skyrim - Bruma ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10917 )

I am pretty sure that I have some other mod or mods that add a few things, but I couldn't find them, as they do so as a side benefit, and are not the focus of the mod.

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