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Just another day


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This is an actual story, not made up. Just another day on the job.


To start, in my squad, we call ourselves by code names. My name was "Cash" and my sniper's name was "Snow." We got to choose them ourselves because we did the best in the firing ranges.




Just a normal day, helping out an ambushed team in Afghan. Though this team was packing more than just an enemy squad, they walked right into a trap. Snow an I were set up on an office building's roof. The building was around 10 stories high, but we had a clear view of the play field.


"We're in position," I said through my radio. I pulled out some binoculars and set my bipod to my sniper up, and look over the field. Just some small arms military from the Taliban, probably a riot group. There were around 8 of them.


"I've got a shot on one, adjust you're sight vision 60x and 38y," Snow said, looking through his scope. I adjusted my sights, and got a look on an MG.


"Standard way, 3 shot, around 450 meters straight. On me," I counted the time. "Shot." Snow began to pull the trigger slowly.




"Shot." A loud banging noise came from Snow's sniper as the bullet rushed out and hit the MG.


"Hit," I finished. I began to notice how one of them was getting a fix on us with an RPG.


"Scope adjust, 7x3," I said. Snow sighed.


"Shot." I counted the time again.




"Shot." Another banging noise came from Snow's sniper, and the RPG was down.




"So, what do you do at home?" Snow asked.


"Depends; which home?" I replied.


"You know, home home." I thought a moment.


"Well, I enjoy video games. I also am planning to propose to my girlfriend when I get back. I already have the ring." Snow's smile turned back into a serious face, and he looked into his scope.


"Take this shot," he said. I dropped my binoculars and looked down my scope.


"6x2," he said. I adjusted my scope and noticed a truck with a 50cal. I aimed and followed the gunner, timing my shot. After a few seconds, I pulled back the trigger and the smoke came from my sniper The gunner was down.


"Hit," I said. A voice came from the radio as soon as I said that.


"All units, an airstrike will be approaching from the north to hit an escort that is headed in you're direction. Please standby, and cover you're ears." I looked into the sky to the north.


"I don't hear anything," Snow said.


"I don't either," I added. A few seconds later a plane came right off from the distance and a very loud and sharp sound registered from it. Explosions filled the tree lines and the plane flew back over us and continued straight.



"Good effect on target," I said through the radio.



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