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Fallout 4 not launching with f4se.


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I've uninstalled and reinstalled FO4, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled the latest f4se version 7 times. The game launches through steam and works, it just won't launch with F4SE.

Instantly I'm hit with a black screen that tells me Fallout 4 has stopped working.

What do I do to fix it?

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I'm not even gonna pretend I know what to tell you.

But, maybe try turning off all your F4SE dependent mods?

Possibly, your game is failing to load one of those up.

Disable them all, and re-enable them one at a time, and see what shakes.


Hell, if you don't have many mods, disable them all and see if you can load up through F4SE in Vanilla mode.

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Mods that depend on F4SE also need to be updated. Fortunately, many of those updates are available to download.


Those F4SE dependant mods can be found in the F4SE folder within the DATA folder. Check on those specific mods here at the Nexus and see if you have its update.

Edited by Moksha8088
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I use the installer from the F4SE site. It automatically downloads all the required files to your Fallout folder. Sorry for the confusion, I was checking the folder I mentioned earlier today and it just contains the mods I am using that require F4SE. Brainfart on my part. The installer loads five or six entries into the main Fallout folder. I then make a new icon for the f4seloader entry for the desktop.

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