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[LE] Mesh has wonky collision and falls through statics

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I'm working on destructible display cases where the glass is shattered and I have glass shards with collision enabled.


Collision sorta works in game, they fall and collide when hit but... the glass shards pass through the static display case through to the floor and stay suspended above the ground. I have translated the trishape to fit in with the frame after connecting the collision object so I've tried messing about with the collision translation but that doesn't seem to work.


Any help would be appreciated.


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you have piqued my curiosity, as this is an intriguing way to achieve that effect.


it looks like the cloud of pieces and debris,

doesn't have collision with the other objects... yet, some pieces above a certain size do...




I'm trying to implement something similar in FO4 - a "shootable liquid metallic door" (building on from the Dojo destructible japanese walls and the ARMA destructable terrain stuff). for Skyrim, I suppose it could be akin to 'gelatinous cube' etc.

the physics is being a pain, as, the lighting does weird stuff when the mesh is shot.

the shadow already has a ishihara/demoivre/leibniz gasket, though I'm getting weird diffraction fringes...

(I think its from the way the 2D-3D layer is written on-Event putting alpha there and artifacting from that)

it's not quite plasmonic, though it's definitely weird.


I had similar issues with the Shootable Fishtank,

shootable snowglobe, shootable Lava Lava-lamps, etc.


I digress, to your glass object - the texture is intriguing.

the 2D-3D homeomorphism is intriguing...

so, that's how this breaks differently when hit without soaking up so much on the poly count etc...

prebatching and pre-combining...




I think recalling Shavkacagarikia's older posts about this,

that it has to do with pathing and the objectHP etc...

(the on-Event and magic conditional are how it checks to see when hit and starts the timer).

you also have to determine how long you want that to run for, and how to 'repair' that...

otherwise, it can be a silent overflow hehe.


Steve40 has also dabbled in glass shtuff in Skyrim and FO4, so they might be able to help somewhat.


to get it to not fall through the floor etc,

it also has to detect collision with the roombound/worldbox,

or other surfaces - that way, if folks build your display case in SkyrimWhoTARDIS etc,

any new lands, it should still work.


I think the pieces need different keyframe animations from nifskope etc too,

that way the shards also have collision data. that might be why it's just phasing through the other stuff...


I hope this is of some use,

and look forward to seeing what mods you come up with.

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