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Nexus Mod Manager stopped allowing me to change loadorder


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Hi all,


For at least a week I have been unable to change the load order. I can't click and drag the plugins and and the arrows that allows moving a plugin up or down are greyed out and can't be clicked. My version of NMM is the newest it claims when updating.


Please post advice and such if you think it could help, I'd appreciate it greatly!


Thanks for reading.


Edit: I can tell you that LOOT works but otherwise I have to install and reinstall mods in order to affect the load order... which is a real bummer, let me tell you that!

Edited by Khtugg
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it won't work properly with .esl files with version 0.63.14 but it sounds like you're using the more recent one, 0.63.17 if you can't change your load order. haven't tried that version out yet but i think i saw someone say you can rearrange your load order if you remove the creation club files from your data folder- though i have no idea if that's true or not.

check out this thread though, should help: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6086198-skse64-and-esl-support-for-nexus-mod-manager/

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  • 8 months later...

Removing all the .esl and related .ba2 files works, however if you've purchased any of them you'll have to put them back afterwards and re-lock the load order. While it may be more tedious to do so, adjusting the load order from the main menu still works with the .esl files where they belong.

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  • 8 months later...

For anyone else that ends up getting sent here by their google searching;

I found another thread that explained getting the latest update helps a lot (I wasn't even aware they were still updating NMM after 0.65.2) XD Apparently the .3 update fixed the issue and its now up to 0.65.11

Heres a link for it that was posted there https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases

And another for the thread itself; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6086198-skse64-and-esl-support-for-nexus-mod-manager/page-5&do=findComment&comment=68997231

Edited by Arthour05
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  • 6 months later...

I know this is an old post and I'm late to the party but thought I'd leave instructions for anyone else having this problem that might stumble onto this thread looking for a result.

NMM keeps all of the plugins inside of a text file which is located in the following directory path.

C:\Users\"user name"\AppData\Local\Fallout4\Plugins.txt

You can open of this file with notepad and manually move the order you like, save the file and you're done. I use notepad ++ which is a free download.

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