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A Mod for "No No No Stop!"


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Hey everybody, I've searched for a while now several Skyrim websites and wonder does anybody know if there is a Mod to stop something gone wrong? Between my Follower, some NPC's and my own *Poor decisions I've ran into a few less then good events and have wondered if there is a way to stop the follower, other NPC's or an event from spiraling horribly wrong? Dialog choice additions to the follower, or another broader command?

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How would a Mod know what you, your followers or the NPCs have done wrong?


The only way to fix a badly borked game like that is to load an earlier save, or to start again.


And the only way to take the badly Borked elements out of Vanilla, so they have less chance of going wrong in the first place, is to use the Unofficial Patches for the version of Skyrim you are playing. If you don't have them already installed, I'd try them straight away.


And also look at Arthmoor's Mods: Run for Your Lives, When Vampires Attack and The Paarthurnax Dilemma. I consider those essential Bug Fixes. He has many others which are very good, but these three I consider essential.


There are also Multiple Follower mods that add new Dialogue choices, such as STOP FIGHTING! when your followers start at each other.


You don't have to have multiple followers, but the options are there to tell your follower to:


Relax (so they chop wood, mine ore, sweep the floor, drink & party);

Stay Close, so they don't charge off and drag threat and aggro from creatures too tough for you;

Wait Here, so you can sneak off on your own for a while.



With my multiple followers, I start with those that have a Sneak stat, like Jenassa. 15 followers is a great laugh when you've built a Stronghold with Pocket Empire Builder.



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:) Thanks guys, I've made catastrophic decisions, but I play on as an Unexpected Twist. Now my *Follower, I only have 1 but the mayhem and unexpected (unwanted) fights and deaths she caused. I'll look into those Mods; I cant remember how many times I wanted to shout "Noooo , Stop Stop". I only have the one but one can create problems

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