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Curious Stuttering and Framerate Drops


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I've been playing Skyrim for years, now. I should probably say "Oldrim", although I do play the Special Edition.


I won't even go into a discussion of hardware and software. My rig is capable of running just about anything. As an example, I can play SSE with a consistent framerate of 60fps, and no stuttering whatsoever.


Recently, while playing Skyrim, I've noticed FPS drops at unusual locations, but also have stuttering when framerates are at the maximum. For example, while walking in the wilderness, my framerates are always at 60fps, but I experience some stuttering, and the occasional freezeup (I have the mod that keeps this from being "fatal", and it always starts up, again).


I know, I know ...


What about mods, conflicts, load order, and all that? Did I mention that I've been playing the game for years?


I'm running 178 mods, I use LOOT, there are no conflicts, and all the mods are clean with TESSEDIT. Just to be careful, I sometimes use Wrye Bash to see if there is a potential conflict. Every mod is "in the green".


Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this is happening? In fact, recently, I had my character go into Riften, and the FPS suddenly dropped to 1-3 fps, and didn't recover until I got to the Ratway. In fact, when I reached the Ragged Flagon, the framerate dropped, again, but recovered when I moved through. This has never happened, before.


Thanks for any help, suggestions, and so on.


Trag, the Mercenary

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