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Files don't showing up in the CK


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I recently downloaded this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6069/?tab=3&selected_game=1704&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D6069%26user%3D1%26gid%3D1704&pUp=1


I used BAE to extract the files, i droped in respective "meshes" and "textures" folders, but in CK nothing shows up. What do i do? :sad:



Sorry my poor english!




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Are you using NMM? Or MO? NMM has it's own virtual data folder under C:\User\yournamehere\ProgramFiles(x86) or wherever you moved it to. I keep all my stuff on the D drive under the folder Games.

The reason I bring this up, I ran into this problem several times with NMM. If the mod is in BSA form, it has to install alongside the esp file in Special Edition because of the way the 64-bit system works, or something like that. I read it on one of Sharlikran's posts, and there's a link near the top where it gets into deeper info. NMM keeps the BSAs in a separate area from the data folder it uses. I couldn't figure out once why I couldn't find the meshes for some bandoliers I was using--they were in the BSA and NMM didn't have them in the normal data folder, it had them it's own.


I remember reading that either there or in one of the NMM how-to guides floating around that BSA files have to be installed alongside the esp file, you can't just break down the bsa and just install the textures and meshes. So what I would do is first back up your mod setup as is, then put the esp file in the Data folder, and then tick the box in NMM when it shows up in the plugins tab, and put the textures and meshes in. Then, it should work...although I believe in truth in advertising and tell you now that this is:


Buyer beware. I am still relatively new at actually doing more than installing mods and basic troubleshooting. That's why I said back up everything. Then, if it doesn't work, delete the esp, and the mesh and texture files (you can filter by install date, and it will then be the top textures that come up in Windows, unless you're running Linux--then you're on you're own). Then you should be back to where you were before.


If it doesn't work, then just stop trying to install it manually, and just download it through the manager. Otherwise...it's crash-course in BSA mechanics time. And I'm not talking about motorcycles. lol

Hope this helps.

Edited by twowolves80
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