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Mod request; Combat Forgiveness


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I was pretty sure this existed mod somewhere but I couldn't find it after digging around (both regular and special edition) with whatever tags or titles i could think of it falling under, this went on for a good 15-20 minutes. (I suppose it could've been set to hidden...)

It'd be a great mod for everybody to use because of that one time you accidentally hit a follower, guards, or civilians (not that they should be fighting) when something is attacking in town or right outside of town, I get nervous when there's a whole bunch of people attacking one target and i feel like they can't take it on alone without a some kind of loss but I don't see an opening to get in there to get even one hit in. It's very nerve wracking that I'm more worried about accidentally hitting a friendly than assisting them with a difficult opponent. A lot of the times i also have a follower with me so if i do hit someone, everyone's now an enemy of my follower too and they'll end up killing someone because I made a mistake.

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I think one of the follower overhauls has this built in. You might try looking through AFT or UFO. Or, if you pm those authors nicely, they may be able to tell you how to make the adjustment yourself in the CK and make your own esp. Then you'd have your first mod uploaded to the nexus, and if you make it SE ported, I'll be the first to download it.

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