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After seeing many succesfull and very good RPG's I have decided to try one of my own since I've always been the fantastic type of guy. How did I came up with Asgard. Well, Asgard is the homeland of the Norse gods but the gods have nothing to do with this RPG. Honestly, I was inspired by a song of Nightwish, might be familiar to some of you. As you may have guesed the title was Asgard.

I've followed great pieces of Ketruch's and Peregrines accomplishments and I play along in "Of Gods and Mortals", Acorans RPG, who's doing a fine job there.

Asgard is planned to become a serie of RPG's. Every episode represents a chapter in the tale. This episode will be played in Asgard itself, altough the story will begin in Ebonheart, Morrowind.


I've token this RPG quiete serious. I took the time to create a little site around this RPG where I will post any important info. I'm also creating some maps to give you an idea of Asgard. For now I only have the map of Asgard itself worked out. Due personal problems I havent been able to finish the others. Dont worry about the other maps tho. When we reach the areas in the story they will be online for sure.


I will post the link here but there is always a link in my signature as some have already noticed perhaps.




Main story

Asgard: Stand of the Asgardians


500 years ago in the Second Era, Asgard became a province of the Empire.

For 300 years Asgard served the Empire and it's laws loyal and therefore Asgard was given it's independence as a reward.

200 years ago Asgard became the kingdom it now is. For all those years Asgard prospected and grew up to the nation it was the day today.

It's economy was blooming and peace roamed over the green Asgardian lands.


But it may not have lasted. 10 years ago a nomad army invaded Asgard.

Nomads who claimed Asgard to be theirs. After 4 years of war the Asgardians defeated the nomads at the battle of Zorba.

Peace returned to Asgard, but the war had left deep scars.

The Asgardians rebuilded and regained most of what they once were.

For they prospered once again and peace had returned. And the peace remained till last year. Till the nomads returned with greater numbers and forces.

More than Asgard could handle. Zorba, the city where the Asgardians defeated the nomads 6 years ago, was the first to fall. Regiana and Calif followed.

Within a year the nomads conquered Marouan and the Marshes.

The Asgardian Army managed to stop the nomads at the river Mysta but they would not hold.


In desperation Asgard seeked help. The Empire decided to assist Asgard and mobilised forces all over the Empire. From it's capital to Vvardenfell.

Together the Empire and Asgard would drive out the nomads and make sure they would never return.


This is the story where the entire Asgard serie will go about. The first episode will be the liberation of Asgard itself. I wont tell what other chapters I have in mind cause that would spoil a lot.


Actual game


The game will start in Ebonheart itself. You just signed up with the Legion to seek and find adventure in Asgard, as the Imperial say in a very good-talking way.


Anyway, I have some rules made up:


- Asgard is another part of the Morrowind world so anything that you might find in morrowind is present.


- Magic in Asgard is very rare. Asgardians don't like magic so it would be in your own benefit not to use it.


- You may play as any of the races from Morrowind. No need for levels, they dont matter.


- Your armour may be everything except the following: Daedric, Ebony, Glass, Her Hand, Royal. Armors arent necesary since you'll be given one anyway but you might want to use them for rcon-missions.


- Your weapons may be everything except the following: Daedric weapons, enchanted weapons. It may be unique weapons tho. Just no spell on them or anything that has to do with magic.


- Enchanted weapons are not allowed for the same reason as magic.


- I dont have Bloodmoon so please dont use anything from Bloodmoon.


- Asgard's flaura and fona are very likely as our world. So there are horses and dogs and every other animal you may be fond off.


- It's not necessary to create a combat character since you'll be send to trainingcamp anyway. Signing up as a farmerboy may be more fun.


- The sign-up info has to be following: Name, sex, age (char.) and race. Also mention any equipment you will be wearing from the start.


- The rules are the same like any other RPG. You make your actions, I decide outcome. You may not control other people their characters altough you may be given orders.


- For further questions, pm me or mention them in your sign up post, I will answer them as soon as possible.


For further info, just ask. I dont bite...

The map of Asgard is already finished and can be found on the site of Asgard.


K. This is about it. If something is on your mind, please ask! I'm hoping to start the RPG in a week or two when I have everything ready and hopefully enough people to play. It's not fun to play on your own :lol:

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I promised so here I am. This is positively the last RPG I am going to be in for the present. I am finding it hard to fit the job around it!


Character Name - Torvild White-Tooth

Sex - Male

Age - 29

Race - Nord

Armour - adamantium

Clothes - exquisite

Sword - ebony long

Steel bow and arrows

Former agent of the government in Skyrim recently dismissed for brawling while drunk on active duty.

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ooohh,ohhhhh this looks cool ^_^



Name:Morgoth Deltian



Clothes: western vest(Black vest with red shirt) and extravagant pants

Weopon:If I`m allowed Chrysamere (artifact) if not just an imperial broadsword

armour:imperial steel all the way!!exept for boots that are heavy leather


equiptment:bread,rope,knife,oil and some lockpicks


Morgoth came from cyrodiil to buy a boat but ended up here


um...could I please be an officer...(i mean rank) knight protector


if not I guess....a trooper


I am looking forward to this...

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K. I've been very busy with school lately so havent had much time to work on Asgard. I'm going to finish one of the maps soon and also work out some minor details.


I'm already thankfull for Malchik and Sludge their interest but I'm still hoping on a few more people.

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Sorry its taken so long to post this, but every time i went to i had to leave before i could hit that button. Lets hope nothing happens now, eh?


Name: Erunánion

Gender: Male

Race: Dunmer

Age: 36

Weapons: Steel sabre and Bonemold longbow, with steel arrows

Armour: Leather with steel cuirass(sp?)

Other Equipment: A cheap lockpick, some healing herbs (if this is allowed) and a common amulet.


Backstory: Erunánion had been an adventurer for several years, before being run out of Ald'Ruhn by House Redoran for botching a mission for the Hlallu (never remember how to spell that). Now he's going to join the Empire to escape.


Phew, i guess nothing happened, ah no, blue screen of death, argh...

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Hey hey!

I know it's been a while since I last informed everyone of you of Asgard. Anyway I'm here now!


K, so what's going?

I finished the map of The Plains. Just look on the site. ( Use the link in my sig, remember ^_^ )

I'm also planning to launch Asgard the coming week-end but it will problably be next monday. I have the entire week no school so I'll have plenty of time to work around the RPG-forum ^_^ .


Till now I have 3 people who are willing to play in Asgard. Disappointed? Not a bit. I know this is my first RPG and some of you may want to wait a bit to see how I work things out or just think the RPG is crap :lol: .

I'm satisfied with these three people and I hope you guys will enjoy this.


Now if you might want to join in afterwards just PM!

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Half-term for you too, eh ^_^ ?


Anyway, looking forward to the opening. I have a question which i think is applicable to the whole group rather than just me, so i'm posting it. What are the rules going to be with regards to the format of posting? You said you play in "Gods and Mortals", so should i just assume that will be the sort of thing you are using?


EDIT: Woohoo! 400th post!

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If it isn't to late i got some info on a new character making his first appearance to this site.



Gender: Male



Weapons:Wooden Club

Armor:Common Clothing

Eq: None


He's a commoner trying to get out of his normal routine to make a name for himself.

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