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hydrogensayshdt is porting her mods


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I s#*! you not, I've known for 3+ days, I reaalllyyyy wanted some one else (Not Me) to break the news on the nexus, but no one stepping up..... I can't believe that this is happening considering how many people want, HDT any thing......


But HDT SE High Heels System is out already, I hope you can ready Simplify Chinese.




With the recent update, if you choose to go down this path you will be required to dodge the punches that will come your way. If your needy, don't download it. Swap the translation text with proper English found in the oldrim version for English MCM.


It just more alpha stuff, be aware of that... but to use this you have unstable build anyway, so what one more gonna hurt... I can confirm it working to the degree of expectation Alpha Builder's have come to expect. Knock your self out in your rush to get it. :laugh: (Joke)


Yep that it, there isn't more. Except to say my SE Build is for TESTING, I don't use it in a serious playthru. :geek:

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