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Conjuration trainer in winter hold won't sell or train. Better Vampires is responsible.


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I have the mod Better Vampires installed, and I accidentally turned Phinis Gestor (the conjuration trainer in winterhold) into a vampire cattle.


It counted him as a follower, but he wasn't following me and now stopped selling items and training conjuration. I have tried resurrecting him via console, enabling and disabling him, blanking Better Vampires, changing his faction, and just about everything you can think of.


Interestingly enough, I noticed that i have the "follow me" option still in the dialogue, despite him not being a cattle anymore. I tried changing my follower count to 0 but it didn't fix anything. I want to be able to train and buy from Phinis, please help. I'm pretty sure it's completely because of Better Vampires.

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Well, you seem to be saying that it's actually because you turned him into a Vampire rather than an inherent, intrinsic problem with the mod. How do you accidentally bite someone? Particularly an important NPC? I use a Mod (something like Conjuration madness) which gives Phinias a ton of new Conjuration spells, so I'd hate to trash him like that.

Normally, the only way to solve a problem like this is to load a save from before you vampired him and then don't make the same mistake again.

If you don't have such a save, I'd at least go back to before you tinkered about so much.

As for Conjuration Training, there are others around:

Runil in Falkreath

Falion in Morthal (in his house) is a Conjuration Master and a Spell Merchant

Talvas Fathryon (if you have Dragonborn) in Tel Mithryn is a Conjuration Master, Spell Merchant and Follower

Or you can just use the console to conjure up the spell books you want.

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  • 2 years later...

Huge necro here, but I had an identical issue and fixed it so I wanted to say how for any other googlers that come here. It seems that enthrallment removes all the enthralled's factions. so in order to fix them you have to re add all those factions.


use "addfac <factionID> <rank>" rank is usually 1, for all the factions listed here https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Phinis_Gestor as well as the merchant faction "00051596". To completely fix them, remove the follower faction with "removefac 5c84d", and blank better vampires and use the debug menu to mostly return yourself to how you were.


If the dialogues arent showing up, try using "recycleactor" or kill and resurrect them.


I also had this issue with faralda, just follow the same steps with her respective factions, should work with other vendors as well.

Edited by Superbugger
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