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dead merchant issue!


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The merchant from Dawnstar died during a wild bear attack. Can I revive him or does he come back normally?


hi, just a suggestion, use the targeted console command 'resurrect' on the merchant's body asap before the deadbody game timer clears it.

i need to find/use a mod that marks all non-player characters (like merchants) essential.

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This mod addresses at least the situation where townies are too dumb to hide from dragons. Initial version focuses on Dawnstar too.


thanks carl for the tip on that must have mod, i just installed it and watching for updates.

Everyone Get Inside - Dragon Attack - Beta by MGoods - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12785

i also use: Deadly Dragons v3.0.6 by 3JIou - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3829

which i think has an option to make NPC's flee when a dragon appears; but,

that won't save merchants from a wild bear attacks (sorry emieri00 lol..)


lately i've been running around after a dragon attack and resurrecting any NPC's i see..

Edited by xlcr
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The merchant from Dawnstar died during a wild bear attack. Can I revive him or does he come back normally?


Which merchant was it specifically? The blacksmith Rustlief? Or was it his wife or the alchemist?

If the last 2 do as others have said and use the console to resurrect them ASAP.

If it is Rustleif yes you can revive him but I found out the hard way that for some reason if he dies and you resurrect him he will never sell you items ever again. EVER. It really annoys me to no end. (@ least his wife has the same stock he does) Ever since I encountered this bug twice on 2 different characters with him I always use the console to make him and the other 2 merchants in town essential before ever going to Dawnstar. This way the 1001 dragons that seem attracted to Dawnstar no longer make time there to difficult.

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if the mercant had relatives yes, but not every merchant had relatives :)


Aha! The one merchant I've seen killed (Can't remember who) must not have had a relative then. I'm glad that feature did get it. So... I wonder if I mod in more family members that it'll just pass around...

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this is probably simplifying the task a bit; but,

anyone know if someone created a mod with a list of all the base ID's of every NPC in Skyrim and

made a console batch using 'setessential <base ID> 1' to fix the game?

they'd need to be knowledgable enough to know not to set any NPC template to essential (immortal) if that character needs to

remain mortal for any quest reasons.

protecting these 'mortal' npc's for quest reasons would probably need to be somekind of scripted timed event or something.


playing/exploring skyrim in its current state is a minefield of potentially broken quests if you clear a location prematurely and

there really is no in-game way of knowing the implications beforehand.

currently on my 2nd playthru attempt i've found it necessary to check every location in UESP.NET/elsewhere to be sure

there are no dependencies before entering..

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