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Fallout 3 - De-compress the .bsa files?


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Yet another one of my quickies.


Running an E6700 Core 2 Duo at 3.2GHZ-3.2GHZ, 2 threads.


Wondering if there is a way to de-compress the bsa files? Heard that it does wonders for Oblivion, and gave a shot at it meself using the Fallout Mod Manager's bsa browser/creator, but resulted in a pink screen when Fallout 3 was launched.


Any way to do this, or is it a waste of time?

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"Show us what you saw"? One of the many things I read about decompressing BSAs for Oblivion


Aye, I'm looking for a performance boost. Numerous sites say that uncompressing the BSAs for oblivion improved performance, so I'm wondering if there will be a peformance boost if done with Fallout.


Tried giving it a shot, ended up with a pink screen whenever I launched Fallout 3, so am also wondering if I did something wrong.

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I reckon what they are talking about is unpacking the .BSA then using advanced methods an tools to optimize the poop out of the assets. This would be a lot of work, and would also break many areas of the assets which would require added repair time afterwards besides the basic workload. Then repack this into new .BSA to then put it in game. Then you could do stuff like play the game on a really low powered computer or play the game with 16 times as many NPC's.
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