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Clamber Animation


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Clamber = crawly climb.


Imagine how refreshing it would be to see the pc use their hands to clamber over a ledge, fallen log or unlevel dungeon floor instead of trying to leap everything.


Is the Dovahkiin afraid to get his hands dirty or what? What's more tiring than climbing up a mountain?... Jumping up one! It's also tiring to watch and hard on the ol' space bar. In all seriousness, I know this is nothing new. Few games I know of have an animation like this. Sure there is strafe, crouch, belly-crawl, run/sprint and every conceivable combat move - but never a good clambering motion.


Would it be possible to create a clambering animation that activates when you push up against a certain range of angles of cliff/hillside? Specifically angles that are usually climbable by jumping over and over again. What I'm imagining is a leaning forward position, with the arms out or bent as if using his hands to help balance and climb (like crawling on hands and knees but more upright). I'm sure you know what I mean - just how you would climb a steep slope in real life. Weapons etc could still be in hand for this, why not? The complicated part would probably be coding it to activate at the right times. The engine knows when the player has reached an obstacle too steep to continue to walk/run and requires you to jump instead. Would it be possible to allow the player to continue forward slower (with a different animation) and then stand upright again upon reaching more level ground?

Edited by Tyfighter77
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