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Nocturnals Cowl


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Hey everyone reading this I'm creating a mod where you obtain the cowl and need some help with the cowl. It Won't have the blue writing though :(

I have a rough model of the cowl the I took from the bust of the gray fox. However I need it textured (since when I view in .nif its just plain white compared to textured in .3ds formats) and skin wrapped to the head models I can't seem to figure it out myself I'll gladly email the files to anyone willing to help thanks in advance. :thumbsup:

Edited by Nephilim722
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Alright So I believe I set everything up properly. I skin wrapped it and textured it, I believe, but when I went into creation kit my model wasn't among the list so I must have done something wrong love to get help with this. Sigh. :wallbash:


Nvm... lol now my problem is you can't pick it up And It will add into your inventory but when you wear it doesn't show up. But It'll show up if you drag and drop it in the creation kit but it just like an object you can walk through. No way to pick it up just to look at.

Edited by Nephilim722
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  • 5 weeks later...
  On 4/12/2012 at 10:39 PM, criswolf09 said:

I hope this mod could be created. Any news/updates about this?


I am currently working on the quest mod for it. But it is pointless unless someone can help me make it so you can actually wear the cowl.

However once I'm done with my quick short tutorial for the mod I will release it as an example of my work. Hopefully then I can get enough

publicity to get someone to help finish the cowl for me since try as I might I can't seem to get it to work properly in game. :confused:

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Oh, if only I was a modder... I'd love to help, I really would. Nocturnal's Cowl is my favourite Oblivion artifact, as soon as I got hold of it the first time I deleted my old saves and from then on the Thieves' Guild was the first questline I completed (so I could then go on a pilgrimage to fix my reputation, then use the cowl for all my evil deeds). I so hope you work this out, and look forward to the day you can release it... somebody please help this guy!
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Ya I'll be honest the thieves guild quest line and dark brotherhood were my two favorite things about oblivion and so I wanted to bring back Nocturnal's Cowl and later do another mod that I'm keeping tight lipped on but it'll involve more glorious assassinations. I have a couple pictures for my mod so if anyone wants to see what I got going for them here's what I got but its far from done. These pictures are from the tutorial for the mod that I will be releasing hopefully relatively soon. All depends on support I get and my job lol.
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Uhm you created a model, textured it, attached it to skeleton/bones and exported the nif file and edited in NifSkope to work in Skyrim, right? And now you can't get it into the game?


You created one ARMOR and one ARMORADDON form to get it into the game and optional RecipeArmorXXX & TemperArmorXXX forms to craft/improve it?

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  On 4/15/2012 at 12:40 AM, ghosu said:

Uhm you created a model, textured it, attached it to skeleton/bones and exported the nif file and edited in NifSkope to work in Skyrim, right? And now you can't get it into the game?


You created one ARMOR and one ARMORADDON form to get it into the game and optional RecipeArmorXXX & TemperArmorXXX forms to craft/improve it?

Ok so what I did was I took the model skin wrapped it to a male head model and copied both its skeleton and dismemberment data from that. I then brought it over to nif scope added the texture and changed out it following a tutorial. Then went into the creation kit and created both a armor and armoraddon for it and it then appeared "in game" just you could walk through it and for some reason you couldn't wear it when added into inventory through console commands. So its just like a pretty decoration you can walk-through and can't wear or anything. I've had two others take a look at it and they had no success. So If you know what your doing and want to just use the model and do everything from scratch that be great because as I said two others looked at it and had no idea why it wasn't working. I followed everything properly just doesn't work right.

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