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siege at fort sungard


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hi guys!


I was just wondering if like me you had the feeling that fort sungard was a little bit empty and ridiculously easy to clear.

I mean that fort is one of the biggest and most impessive in the game but is only guarded by a few forsworn , all the interiors are empty of enemies ...


in the CK i tried to replace the forsworns with some tougher enemies but the only one i could find is the one on the wooden watchtower, all the others should be located in the courtyard but aren't there... any ideas?



btw, do u have an idea how to change the damage from the honed draugr weapons , when fully optimized , they do far more damage than the daedric weapons, I don't know if it's comming from a mod or smthg but it's quite annoying



Edited by sdkfz151
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