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Lost Spires VA work finally complete!!!


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Grand Announcement


(This is a duplicate of the post I have made in the official thread but I felt it was worth announcing as a fresh post)


Yesterday I watched a pig fly out of the hills, down into the valley, swoop right over my house and then power off away into the sea.


And I didn't bat an eyelid!


Today was much more incredible...the female voice acting for 'Lost Spires' is finally complete, making the final release imminent!!!!


At the time of writing, I have just emailed Liquidgraph with the very last of the voice acting files. The voice acting for Norlene is finally complete which means that the work that myself, TheShadow and the ladies completed six months ago (for me, at least) can finally appear in the final version of 'Lost Spires'.


A special thank you to the ladies I have worked with and who came through for me is in order: Liz 'Lizanneh' Muirhead (as Sova), Kelly Patricia Jones and Moghedian (as the Assistants) and LadyDeadlock (as Norlene). My heartfelt apologies to Kelly, who did such a good job with Norlene originally (and worked like a real trooper!) but struggled with some extremely frustrating technical issues. To all fans and onlookers, please take a look! I hope it's worth another play-through in order to experience this mod as it should have been.


Now it's over to liquidgraph who will process the files, add any other tweaks and then release the final version! At long last!

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FINALLY!!!!! :D, I've been waiting for this for such a long time. I am happy that I didn't managed to play the whole quest by now :D but now I will complete it for sure.



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Nice work everyone. Is the new version on the site yet?


I just sent the last voice files to Leo, so no. He'll need to do whatever else he needs to do with the mod once he's processed the last bits.

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Finally! Lost Spires is a true quest mod, worthy of an Official Bethesda mod. The storyline is top notch, and the quests are just hard enough to be fun. Besides, boss battles set to music? What more can you ask for! I thank you for your hard work, as voice acting has the potential to make any quest mod that much better.
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Ah man, and I had just turned my attention to those big quest mods ! When will it be released !??


I haven't heard from liquidgraph yet since I sent him the last of the files but he's already processed all of my own files and most of the ladies'. It depends on how much extra he wants to put in there having looked at whatever amendments he needs to make. I believe that shouldn't take too long as he'll already know what he wants to do with it and will probably have all of that planned out, unless he's in the middle of something really big at his new Boston2k job...I'll pass on any news once I hear from him but I'm hoping it will be sorted by next weekend at least.

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