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Anyone else gets frequent CTDs after last updates


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I don't know what it is. Drivers, the game itself with it's cretin club updates or something else, but I keep crashing every 2 or 3 minutes. Mostly when changing POV or, even more frequently, when in workshop mode.


I come back to FO4 after a lengthy pause, and I don't remember the game to be borderline unplayable. I even did a fresh install without mods, but no dice. Game keeps crashing. Even before leaving the house atfer character creation i already crashed three times with a vanilla game.

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Yes ... 2 things that did help cut them down, for me. Please note I said, " cut them down ".


1. Play in OFF LINE MODE.


2. Frequent saves. Yes, annoying as .....


Still CTD's a lot more than it did .. but the two above cut them down a good deal.


.. Jj ...

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I found that the disabling godrays mod from here takes care of a lot of workshop crashes. The problem is, cell transition is beginning to turn into a chore. There's always that little jerk when the transition happens. Nowadays this leads into a freeze and crash more often than it did before.


They must have changed something, since I'm using the exact same setup I used before. Hard- and Software. I also haven't got the same problems with other games. I also noticed that I can't use a resolution of 1440 x 900 anymore. It's my native resolution and the one I'm using for every game, FO4 included. But now, when I switch to that resolution, the screen says, resolution not supported. Once again, this is the only game where this happens.

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FO4 crashes always just about 10 seconds after I start to load it. I start the load process, the screen turns black, and the little load thingy turns into a black ball with a blue exterior. And then 10 seconds later, it just crashes. Does it all the time...I have not played any FO4 in quite a while.

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