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Tall Character Mod


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Hi all!


You know, I've been a Nexus member for many years and this is my first request. When playing my modded game, I like my characters to be tall. I mean like 6'6" - 7' tall. I usually accomplish this with the player.modscale console command then set it from anywhere between 0.2 and 0.9. The only problem I have is while using computer terminals - they don't align with the new height and I'm usually stuck looking at the top 1/4 of the screen. Also, sitting on some furniture - although sitting is usually fine sometimes the butt hovers above the seat and the arm/arms don't line up to the armrests. Sooo...


I'm wondering if someone can make a tall mod with selectable heights, nothing ridiculous maybe between 6' and 7' and make changes to sitting on furniture, and computer terminal alignment.


I'm not sure how much work would be involved with a project like that, but you would be the awesomest person on the planet for making this mod!


Thanks :smile:


EDIT: I'd also like to see NPC's make random remarks like "Holy $#!* you're tall!" and "You're gonna die you giant freak!" etc.. but, I'm aware that would require voice actors and stuff and is probably asking a bit much, lol.

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This should fix the problem changing your height introduces.


Any Terminal at Any Height:



Hi! Thanks for replying. I did see that mod. Not exactly what I had in mind because of the cakes, potions and wand, but yes it does solve the terminal/height problem. I'd just like to be able to select a height at character creation, then be on my merry way destroying raiders or conquering the wasteland :)

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