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[Dawnguard] Pro-Dawnguard Vampire Character


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I'm currently running a vampire character in Skyrim (Modded to the gills,but that shouldn't matter,here.),and I've decided to do something different. I want to be a vampire (Preferably,a Vampire Lord),and I want to be on the Dawnguard's side every step of the way. Besides using console commands to force quests around when the Dawnguard says "Cure yourself",can I do anything else to sidestep that? In short,my goals are;


1) Be a vampire.

2) Be a Vampire Lord.

3) Work for the Dawnguard.


Are there any ways to do the above,without constant use of setqueststage? Also,is it possible for me to gain the Vampire Lord power from Harkon,and then switch to Dawnguard? If not,can I get it from Serana during Chasing Echoes,despite already being a normal vampire?

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Why would you work for vampire killers as a vampire? Character feeling suicidal is he? I never got that, cure is easy, but to go further and get the blood of molg and still?


I know why the dawn guard is disgusted. With characters like blade in marvel, it was an accident of birth, he resents it and is no true vampire. Honorable people, even Dawnguard resent traitors on general principle, even if they would help them, even if they are betraying there enemy as one of them.


Its because of paladin like integrity.



Honorable people are like Klingon's in that respect, hahaha.

Edited by skyquest32
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Here's how my character feels; Clan Volkihar's pushing the self destruct button. All Felicity (My vampire character) wants to do is not die,which means she doesn't want to make herself a target. Thus,she preys solely on the banditry of Skyrim,or on willing donors (That is to say,followers.).


Here's how I feel; I wanted to do something nifty.

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