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Question on settlement performance: Mod to make settlements permanent?


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Hey there,


since i like the settlement building feature and also like to build them beyond the settlement limit and try to decorate them very detailed as if they were part of the original game, i quickly get fps issues. So i was wondering: I came across lots of mods which make it possible to build in new areas (where you cannot build in vanilla game). In some of the mods descriptions it says that "precombined meshes have been disabled" so that you can scrap lots of stuff. My Question: Is there a mod or possibibility for the other way round? Means that, when i have finished a settlement, is it possible to make all the meshes/objects combined for everything that i have build and everything that is in the settlement area to make it permanent (no building/scraping etc.) ? And will this gain fps and performance?


thx for answers :-)

best, kammi

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