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Need help with DarnUi tweaking


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Does anyone know how to change or scale up the text from pop-up messages from the top left? Its waaaay to small and i miss them a lot during fights. Additionaly, i would like to scale up the words HP, AP, CND and the Ammo Count a little bit.

This is what i mean: https://imgur.com/a/Sl38W

If anyone can direct me to the files and what changes to make I would be very grateful!


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If you read the installation instructions correctly and installed the mod correctly, you would edit the fonts in the game .ini.

I did follow the instructions accordingly and already spent some time tweaking and changing the fonts in the DUINVSettings.xml together with the Fallout.ini, e.g I scaled up the HUD elements. But I cant seem to have access to the words that i mentioned, nor the text from pop-messages. In the settings.xml there's a Message_Menu font variable, but i guess it has nothing to do with pop-up messages, since it showed no change when i altered the font, and also there's nothing else regarding messages in this settings.xml.

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Perhaps if you posted what you have for your fonts in the INI files (which should be the same in all three), then we can see if you've done things correctly. I agree those fonts are too small, but they are larger than that normally when DarnUI fonts are installed correctly. Mostly likely you misunderstood something or made a typo.


Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article, which covers those settings.



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Perhaps if you posted what you have for your fonts in the INI files (which should be the same in all three), then we can see if you've done things correctly. I agree those fonts are too small, but they are larger than that normally when DarnUI fonts are installed correctly. Mostly likely you misunderstood something or made a typo.


Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article, which covers those settings.




Hey man thanks for your reply. I did some quick read in the link and all i found was that I didnt instal DarnUi first before the others. Could that be the reason? UIO, MCM, TMUI are also HUD mods I'm using... Otherwise, anything else i should know? I'm curious with what you meant with the fonts being the same in all three .ini files? which ones?

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MTUI is considered a "base UI" just as DarnUI is. If you installed MTUI after DarnUI, then you overwrote some of Darn's files. I did successfully (for various definitions of "success") manage to merge the two by carefully selecting which XML files overwrote which, but in the end eventually went back to a pure Darn UI. I would recommend you uninstall both Darn and MTUI, and (depending upon your mod manager) verify files if needed to restore the vanilla XML files, and then install just Darn and configure it to see if that doesn't clear up your font size problems in the UI.


As for the three INI files, please see the 'Game INI files' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. (That question suggests to me you would benefit from reading the entire article, to fill in some gaps in your knowledge.) Where there are the same settings in more than one INI file, then you want each of them with those settings to be the same (after you have created a backup copy of the original "vanilla" version). It's not clear which INI file the game engine reads from in all instances, but there is enough evidence that when there are differences between the three ... "strange results occur", to make it a standard practice (with the precautions indicated).



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