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[LE] Moving and naked mannequins... debate!


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I seem to be in debating mood today... heaven help you all!


Here's one for you. In short, what's the definitive fix for moving mannequins? Read on before answering because these Skyrim Pinnochios really get my goat!


As a player of Skyrim for thousands of hours I got used to spooky mannequins. Sometimes they were where you left them, other times they had their arms raised a few feet away, sometimes they were naked and having nudist parties in the bedroom... all a bit weird, but we got used to it, right?


The legendary patch came along and that sorted stuff like this... except it didn't.


As CK users, we all know that the ultimate reason for this is that Beth chose to use 'real' NPCs for their mannequins, just like they chose NPCs to hold onto your plant seeds and plant them in your planters in Windstad Manor when you weren't looking.


We've all seen the 'solutions' to this, so that our mannequins don't wander... except that they do. Yes, putting them on their own navmesh islands (which must be bigger than the XMarker heading, for some unproven reason) does help... but not for long! Just when you think the b***ers are finally tamed, they spring out and surprise you!


Apparently putting them in a cell with their own special 'no reset' encounter zone helps... I've had problems with them and this doesn't do jack-blah from what I've seen.


I've seen people reporting before that well-behaved mannequins sometimes start rebelling and wandering around once the cell has too much to load... I share that opinion. It happens. I separated mine into their own cell within my player home... yes, they behaved for a bit but... Aaargh! One day in testing (many, and I mean many real hours later) one of the twa*s was skulking suspiciously behind the Meridia statue in the corner!


A mod takes away their 'travel' package and adds a 'hold position' package. This seems to be more effective. I'm trialling this now in my mod. I've play-tested for many hours and so far the mannequin with my 'hold position' package hasn't moved. The others have, seemingly at random.


I don't want to give up on this. I'm determined that none of these wooden b******s will ever move an inch in my mod!


What nobody seems to have tried, in any mod, is to alter the MannequinRace form. I say 'MannequinRace', but the dev that made it couldn't even spell. He/She called it the 'Mannakinrace'. In the race dialogue, you'll notice that it's based on male Nords. Checkboxes allow them to walk and swim. The checkbox 'immobile' is unchecked. I'm left wondering if this is the root of the problem. If I make a new race with the NIF of a mannequin but it is marked as 'immobile', will it work? I couldn't care less if it's pose was a bit weird, so long as it didn't wander off into the bathroom and get naked.


Could the real solution not be about farting around with navmesh and packages, but to create a new race with the race dialogue changed to 'immobile' and not allow walking and swimming?


Just a thought. I'm going to try it anyway...




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Just thought I'd give you an update.


I duplicated the 'manakinrace' and unchecked 'walks' and 'swims', checking 'immobile' instead.


So far, in testing, not one of them has moved. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch just yet, but in every prior test, at least one of them had moved by this stage. They still function properly as mannequins, so all is well.


Fingers crossed, this will cure mannequins for all time. If it does, I'll make a separate mod to alter the vanilla 'Manakinrace' form, since this will be all that's needed to make the wooden scumbags stay still!

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Mannequin is actually a word with a lot of accepted spellings including "manikin" and "mannikin," which are generally more old-fashioned spellings.


But oddly enough Bethesda did not choose one of them. "Manakin" is a type of bird.



Anyway, good job with that fix. Seems so obvious now, it's weird that they were not the way to begin with.

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