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Follower mods use vanilla outfit instead of mod outfit


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Hi! I have an issue with my follower mods. Whenever I install one they all have vanilla outfit instead of the one specified in the mod. I have no idea why this would happen.

I have cbbe mod installed plus a few other outfit mods, but I don't think having other outfit mods would prevent the follower mods not to equip the outfit set for them.

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You may need to resurrect them with the console, it's sort of saved within the save. I did a quick google search: " To avoid resetting the NPC's inventory type "resurrect 1". " So you may want to give that a shot as well. Or just take whatever they have in their inventory. If you're unsure on how to do this: Open console, click 'em(preferably up close for the correct target) and type "resurrect" without brackets. :smile:

Edited by Niborino9409
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One thing you may be required to do is "build" the outfit in BodySlide/Outfit Studio first. HDT Piercings is like that. They won't appear in the game until you build the outfit through BodySlide. Check the mod's page and posts section to be sure.

Edit: sorry, missed the original context. You're talking about the error of why when you install a follower mod, it resets all the followers' clothing to vanilla? Or just that follower? The above stuff, though, you may need to do with custom outfits because you're installing the follower after the custom outfit mods, so those would have to be batch built again.

Happy Modding!


Edited by twowolves80
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