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Help Porting a Follower

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My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, my google-fu hasn't given me the answer I've been looking for. I'm trying to port a follower over from Oldrim for my own use, Valen. The issue is, the game freezes whenever I enter the cell she is located in and look in her direction. She looks fine, no bald, potato-head weirdness, the game just freezes.


I've ran her through the CK64, optimized her meshes, all to no avail. Is there something I need to do with her textures? She uses Apachii hair and SG textures, and I've successfully ported other followers that use both in the past. She doesn't use a custom skeleton, and has a regular CBBE body. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Have you tried replacing the CBBE body with a body you built in SE's Bodyslide?


I am not sure if I was told by someone to do it or so but I uncheck Clean Skinning and Remove Parallax before optimizing. Seems to work, but I don't know why :huh:

Edited by Niborino9409
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