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need help with making an item look silver


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I am trying to make parts of one of my sword mods look like its made of silver. Though no matter what I do it looks like crap. I have tried to google this but I get back nothing that I am looking for, I guess I don't know how to word it to get what I am looking for. If anyone knows of a tutorial that might help me or know of a way your self to make an item look silver I would very much appreciate any help that you can offer.

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I empathize with your quest for metallic-finishes.

liquid metals and metallic sheens are something I'm fascinated by.

Robots don't quite look right in the base game, the rust patina or metals and enamel-on-metal doesn't look quite right.


ever since noticing the lava lamps weren't proper lava-y,

I have strived to have 'liquid metal 'termie' doors, 'oilslick'/'pearlescent' handles etc,

textures which interact with the UVB-blacklight pipboy lamp,

2D-3D forcefield, snowglobes, neonsigns etc.

and, 'holograms'

it probably won't have full proper reflections etc...


I know a few folks who've done partial tutes on a few ways to texture.

Dread74, Rorax, Worsin etc.


and who could forget, Blahblahdeeblahblah.

You will likely find their stuff immensely helpful.


What kind of metallic finish are you chasing?

a lot of that comes down to the specular and bump.


I made my Devtac Marauder helmet look chrome-y hehe.

it is almost 'bio-luminescent' level of 'shiny'.

you can make it look helschimed or damascened, or wootz-steel,

shakudo-no-uzgatzune (the bone wickedness)

damascus, orichalcum, electrum, chrome-vanadiumIII-bismuth

parkerized (silver almonate plasmonic coating)

annodized etc.


I hope this helps you find some ways to make the finish you're looking for.

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Sounds like what you're referring to is a specular texture. Have a look at these forum posts:



This one is more helpful is you're using Substance Painter for texture work.



This one in particular should help you out.

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