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Container Weight/Item Limit


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Good day!


So what I want to do here is set a limit to either weight or the amount of items you can place inside containers in Fallout 4. Thing is, I found two values in the containers in CK, 'Weight' and 'Encumbrance', but they don't work. I even checked in-game by getav carryweight in the console while a container was selected. I tried setav carryweight to check if it may work that way but obviously that was never gonna work. Both the weight value in CK and the carryweight value in-game equal to 0 when not modified.


Any ideas on how I might be able to set a weight limit to containers?

Thanks for any help in advance :)

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I'm by no means an expert, but as far as i can tell, just because there's a field there doesn't mean it's actually used / does anything. CK isn't the most vetted or user-friendly piece of software out there and it's used to mod Skyrim as well as fallout.


Anyone who knows skyrim might be able to correct me, but there aren't any container that limit the number of items in game. To my knowledge there's no built in way to limit the number of items in a container. Containers can filter out certain types of objects (the bobblehead stand and weapons racks wont take a deathclaw hide), but the number of objects isn't really limited (I assume there is some crazy theoretical limit, like how a float variable can only hold a number so big, but if there is one it is way way up there). Since there's no existing container to reference and the CK doesn't seem to want to work, you might have to make a way yourself via scripting. Though I'm not sure how much scripting can be done to containers because https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Container_Script doesn't have anything to go on.


But I've never tried to mod a container before and I can't get a magic effect to change an AV without scripting, so I might be the wrong person to speak up. I must admit that I am curious, why do you want to limit the number of items in a container?

Edited by demonofsarila
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Oh yea I know that CK doesn't work this way, worked that out ages ago :P It is a shame though, seems like Beth doesn't want to make things easy, not by a long shot. And also all these unused mechanics really annoy me in CK... Why do I want this? Well I am working on a survival enhancer of sorts which also serves me as a way to learn my way through modding Beth games. The purpose of this specific question though is that I want to shine some light on the sorting/managing side of fallout, because right now it seems like you just throw everything either into the workshop or a container and you are done with it. Personally I do like to sort stuff in my settlement even without this limit, but I feel like this would push me into more challenging gameplay.


If you do come across some info about this, I would really appreciate if you remembered about this post haha:P

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I don't think it's so much that beth tries to make it hard, just that it's not easy by nature. Fallout is a complex program after all.


Sorting things into containers drives me batty, I don't mess with them much and when I do it's pretty rare. A lot of them are made from common things like steel, so I'm not sure if forcing you to make more of them would really balance survival to be harder, except the whole remembering where you put things. Which I suck at. I use DEF_UI and VIS so I don't need to manually sort stuff into containers. But that's my style.


Anyway, should I see anything, I'll try to keep this in mind :)

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Well, I'm more of a traditional sorting guy haha


I mean, the simple toolbox would be made out of a lot more components than just simple steel in this mod so that kinda compensated for the senselessness. :P


Thanks for looking out dude, let me know if you find something.:) In the meantime, if anyone else has any info on such a script or something similar, please post :)

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I was looking for the exact same thing and here is an idea : there is a sort of container in the CK that uses carryweight limit : the dlc05 armorracks. So far, I've managed to make an invisible armor rack (by creating a new race without a body and skeleton) that can still be interacted with by the player. you can then place this invisible container on top of a static reference looking like a container. note that to interact with it in the CK you will have to select it from the cell view window since it will be completely invisible and has no marker. I Need to do a few more tests but it seemed to work so far. Also, if you don't want to use something from the dlc you might be able to achieve the same thing by modifying any other actors.

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Ah this is a nice idea. Thanks for the info dude. May I suggest something? Do you know how this carry weight is implemented into the armor racks? If it is a script, I think there would be a better way to do this, by simply copying the script into other containers.

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The carryweight is an actor value so i guess it can only be applied to actors. but i found a much much better solution based on another forum post:


- use an activator (you may make it look like any container if needed)


- add the script defaultActivateLinkedRefOnActivate to the activator


- Configure the script properties (mostly, set playeronly to false)


- link the activator to any container (in our case an armor rack with limited carryweight)


that way you don't need to make the armor rack invisible (since you can place it anywhere you want, even in another cell). You can also link several containers/activators to the armor rack to create a shared storage of sort.

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Yea, this is pretty good man, thanks a lot for all the help! :D If anyone stumbles upon some more details I'm staying on this post for a while:P For now I will mess around with the activators and the scripts, this is what I was looking for:)


Oh and btw Undernier, do you happen to have a link for that forum post? Would really like to check it out and keep it for the future :P

Edited by marekto98
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here it is : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5000900-linked-containers-repost/


a note about the carry weight. in the editor you can set it to a certain value but it is modified automatically somewhere else... i haven't found where or how it is modified but you can always set the carry weight via a script to have exactly the value you need.

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