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i need to spawn several storage chests


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Okay I am starting to play Morrowind again after two years. I am accumulating too much items. Normally I find a large space to organize them, but it is just taking way too long to grab each item. I know there is a cheat code to add an item to your inventory. But do anyone know the code to spawn an item? I guess I would need the ID number of the object too though.


Or if you can recommend a mod that help with organizing items?

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I think I have the answer to both you questions! =D


To spawn an item to your inventory write this in the console:




The item ID is for example iron_dagger. You have to write the ID for the item, not the name, but the ID is usually the same as the name except it usually have underscores instead of spaces (some items have spaces, so try both). If you can't figure out the ID of an item check in the construction set. The number 1 shows how many of the item you add. Example: player->additem"iron_arrow"100 would add 100 arrows.

Ingredients usually have ingred_ or something like that in front of them. Example: ingred_saltrice


I can also recommend a mod that can help you. This is a mod that I made myself. It adds a new building with lots of storage place and it has doors in 5 different cities and connection with the Mages Guilds. It doesn't really help organizing though, it just gives really quick access to your stuff. (It has 3 rooms with lots of vendors, a bed and like 30 crates.)

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Actually I meant not add item into inventory, but an object into the game world. But your mod sounds good, thank for the help.

I found the command you are looking for!



PlaceAtPC "iron dagger" 1,1,1

This will spawn an iron dagger by your feet.



placeatpc "crate_01" 1,1,1

This will spawn a storage crate by your feet. :biggrin:

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