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male and female curicass


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I've retextured the daedric armor and everything works fine except the curicass. it works on females; but with males it just crashes the game; what's the best way to go about fixing this without starting from scratch? Also for the meshes what do the _n, _m, _go and _fx mean?


I'm kind of a noob but having a blast working on this stuff.




I also retextured some weapons; here's the link; they weren't exactly well responded to, but they were my first try; oh well:



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A crash? That sounds a bit strange in combination with a simple retexture...you sure you didn't change anything else? Saved as .dds, right?


_n is the normal map, responsible for 3D effect and details (compared to a high polygon model the average Skyrim models use less polygons...with this map you can simulate the missing details so it's still a flat surface but looks 3dimensional)


The specular map is placed in the alpha channel of the normal map.


_m ...well i always called this the specular map though this is not correct...i would say this is some kind of metallic reflection map.


White/grey areas = bright, black areas = dark when stepping into light (sun, torches...)


For weapons there is a cubemap as well, simulates material like ebony, gold...


_fx as texture?... tbh. never heard, first thing i think of when i hear FX is some kind of special effects :biggrin:


Btw i show how to create these maps in my tutorial part 2 in my signature, the quick version using the Nvidia plugin.



Edited by ghosu
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