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Authors' Mod Block Abuse Potential


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I don't need to be site management to discuss on a public post - if you wanted a discussion between yourself and said management you should've used the "Contact Us" forms.


To me you are trying to invent a problem where there is none. "but what if.. what if". So many what ifs based on no facts. I'm sure there's been MAs abusing this system, but the vast majority rarely use it and only for bad cases. And if you use a person's mods and they block you over actual feedback, then perhaps that person's mods are not worth it.

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I don't quite understand where all this fear is coming from.


If you are respectful and polite, you won't get banned. Even if you are snarky or rude, you probably won't get banned. Be extremely rude and you WILL get banned.


I personally have been publicly modding for 2 years now and I only had to ban 2 extreme assholes, despite having a ton of assholes all over the place. One threw a lot of insults my way because I simply said NO to his request so he decided to insult the s#*! out of me. The other I banned because he said something that was extremely dumb and condescending towards me. Didn't like what he was implying at all.


So as long as you don't rub people the wrong way, you won't get banned by a modder. Be respectful, be polite. That doesn't mean bow down and kiss the modder's feet and worship him, but it does mean show the minimum amount of respect that you'd show a stranger on the street.

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Disregarding the limitations of any medium, the core question here is "should a content creator intrinsically have the right to share at their discretion or not"?


That is, if a creator is sharing something they made, should they or shouldn't they have the right to choose who they share it with?

(again, forget the practicalities of sharing stuff for free on the internet for a moment, this is about a general principle)


second question: is a content creator obliged to have a valid and generally accepted reason for choosing not to share something with someone?


The answer to the first for me is yes, and the answer to the second is no. It's their content. They can do whatever the hell they wish with it. And with thousands upon thousands of mods available to you unless you are perceived as an asshat by the majority of content creators which really takes a lot of effort, and tens of thousands if not millions of content consumers, I think the Nexus will be fine, and I don't think that is your primary concern but an attempt to shore up a rather weak argument.


By the way, content creators can't block you unless you comment on their mods - so if you feel your comments put you at severe risk of being blocked (and don't feel a little introspection might be beneficial at that point), then perhaps reconsider clicking that post button?

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